Greenfaith, InI RastaRant & Collective
Charity And Sacramental House of Worship; the 1st International with Fed & State Approval in the USA
Greenfaith Ministry, PO Box 024 Nunn, CO 80648 / 307.221.2180 OR 719.375.8431
Charity And Sacramental House of Worship; the 1st International with Fed & State Approval in the USA
GOOGLE MAPS LOCATION,-104.7574064,3a,75y,223.52h,83.93t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssJXzUjkYqotYOGRUcTpU1w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
My 14 year old son and I saw your group on TV and would like to visit. I know he’s a minor but he’s spiritual and responsible and only does it in the privacy of our home. Would we welcome to come up?
No we are not open to minors using (unless they have a valid mmj card and parent with their own meds) as our sacrament is for adults. However at our current meeting place there is sledding outside for kids but thats about it for minors in the winter unless nice then there is skateboarding and disc golf. We do have events occasionally kid friendly, but we are not a place for minors to hang out at, especially if they consume cannabis that isnt valid and legal medical marijuana. I can keep you informed of family friendly events in the future.
Hi, I need contacts info of a church elder please. On a very big and private matter.
Can you help?
Thanks. or 3072212180
I love greenfaith ministries. Great people who actually help you. Saved my life using the better alternative herb. He donates all proceeds to help others who are sick and in pain. While others pretend he’s real. Safe respectful and law abiding.
I’ve been putting together Mile High Church of Cannabis for a similar ministry here in Denver. Any suggestions as far as resources?
Rev. Rob Stevens
we do everything through volunteers and donations, we have been in colo for 10 years up north in weld county by ft collins, have done lots of outreach and services from ft collins to denver, we are grateful for the springs community we are a great inspiration and asset to each other.
Wonderful! The springs so needs your kindness and donations. I’ve been trying to help but the demand is overwhelming.